Monday, May 30, 2011

The Confident

I can now smile genuinely, and am confident and graceful in the performance of my duties. There are occasional mishaps, such as when pushing the carts down inclines (or worse, over speedbumps!), or when a customer wants groceries bagged in their own over-sized or lopsided reusable bags...but I'll get used to it all very soon.

My biggest struggle at this point is (you guessed it!) not knowing where the go-backs go, and by unfortunate extension, being able to help customers to find things with the grace they deserve, as part of Safeway's World Class Customer Service experience. I know it's only my second week here, so I can't expect to be perfect, but I hope to be as close to as perfect as humanly possible. I'm grateful for this job, and want to make the most of it, and show everyone I work with how much that I deserve it.

I met my store manager today, and she's a very nice person, just as I heard from my friend who used to work with her. I hope I can do whatever I can to please her-- she is after all my ticket to promotion.

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