About DoSE

The purpose of this journal is to:

1. Record essential job information for memorization, and the application thereof.

2. To salvage essential job-related info and details for incorporation into my résumé

3. For journalistic & sentimental reasons- to start a blog:
 "Diary of a Safeway Employee", or DoSE for short.

It is my hope that, in addition to providing highly useful information in a structured environment for my own use, that the info contains within this work journal will prove to be an essential resource for Safeway applicants, and Safeway employees both new and old alike.

As I record my trek working towards promotion to manager at Safeway, I'm sure that those of you who journey with me (via this blog) will be provided the resources necessary to follow the same path to success at Safeway as I (as will be demonstrated throughout this journal) will.